Membership in SIGCHI Poland is currently free. Please contact for more information.

Professional ACM SIGCHI Chapter Members are eligible for the following set of
member benefits:
Complimentary Subscription to Communications—Chapter Members are eligible for a three-month complimentary electronic subscription to ACM’s flagship publication Communications of the ACM. email address—Chapter members are eligible for an “” email forwarding address with filtering.
Receipt of ACM’s Popular E-Newsletters—TechNews, the latest news in computing, 3x weekly; CareerNews, the latest career and industry news, bi-monthly; and MemberNet, all about ACM people and events monthly.

ACM SIGCHI TechNews—ACM TechNews’ SIGCHI Edition is a sponsored special edition of the ACM TechNews news-briefing service focused on issues in Human Computer Interaction (HCI). This service serves as a resource for ACM SIGCHI Members and affiliates to keep abreast of the latest news in areas related to HCI and is distributed to all ACM SIGCHI members, as well as the ACM SIGCHI Chapter members, the first Tuesday of every month.